Friday, September 19, 2008

The Bulldog

Today, we went to the Expressway Pit Beef stand for lunch for a bring-back. (Not quite the same as reach-around - ask your mom.) Expressway Pit Beef is anything but an express - it took an hour to place the order and receive our food. But, oh my lord was it good. I had the bulldog and an order of sweet potato fries. Too much. Why you ask? The bulldog is about a foot-long sausage (hot or mild) wrapped in pit beef with cheese, onions, and peppers. It was brutally delicious. I'm now trying in vain to recover in time for hot dog night at the kids' school.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Yes, I Know This Guy

Yes, I do know this guy. He is a good friend. And, yes, I'm a little jealous that I don't have this jersey. (FYI, the name on the back is 'MIML'. Bonus points to those who know what it means.)